SEFiDe invita a quienes estén interesados en ser miembros adherentes

SEFiDe invita a quienes estén interesados en ser miembros adherentes

La Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Filosofía del Derecho (SEFiDe) invita a quienes estén interesados en ser miembros adherentes a presentar su solicitud en el formato de carta adjunto. Como anexo se deberán enviar los documentos allí señalados. El único correo habilitado para la recepción de las peticiones es


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Dossier: Contemporary Legal Realism

Iuris Dictio Law Journal invites researchers and specialists in Contemporary Legal Realism to send their contributions to be considered for the monographic Dossier Num. 25, to be published on June 2020. The dossier will focus on contemporary legal realism and the criticisms made around this “line of thought”.

Legal realism was born as an alternative to natural law and legal positivism, which were dominant in the legal philosophy debates of that time. Both American and Scandinavian legal realism brought about some novelties and criticisms towards these traditional “currents”. In fact, as Barberis said, natural lawyers pretended to study law as a set of values, while legal positivists scholars portrayed it as a set of rules. Legal realism, on the other hand, intended to study it as a set of facts. (Although nowadays legal realism can be analyzed conjointly with “exclusive legal positivism”). At its beginning, legal realism sought to move the (study of) law away from some metaphysical backwardness (Hägerström would come to speak of mystical, magical thought).

Later on, however, both Scandinavian and American realism were partially abandoned, discredited, even caricatured. In fact, Leiter attributes many criticisms of legal realism to what he has called “Frankification of legal realism” (the reduction of legal realism to a few theses of J. Frank). But realism has, in recent decades, been revived. And some of the most important schools of legal philosophy in the world, today, openly declare themselves as realistic. In Genoa, Paris (Nanterre), Girona, Chicago and several other places, we find some of the most important contemporary legal scholars: Guastini, Troper, Ferrer-Beltrán, Leiter, just to mention a few. Legal realism, although some had declared it dead, is more alive than ever. To those who have killed it so many times, one could respond with the old and famous phrase of the French comedy (incorrectly attributed to some Spanish writer): “The dead that you kill, enjoy good health”.

Dossier No. 25 of the Iuris Dictio Journal, coordinated by Mauricio Maldonado Muñoz, seeks to contribute to the discussion about contemporary legal realism, its importance in various fields of the study of law, its innovations, challenges and criticisms. Papers in historical or theoretical key will be accepted, as long as they deal with the indicated subject. We are also receiving articles on different topics related to law, to be considered for the

Miscellaneous and the Book Review sections. All articles must be original, should neither be previously published nor under review by other reviews, journals or editorials. Articles can be written in English or Spanish and should follow our publication guidelines, which can be found at:

The deadline for submissions is 15th of December 2019 and the manuscripts should be uploaded via the journal’s platform upon user registration on the following webpage:

You may reach us with further questions at or

It would be highly appreciated if you disseminate the information on this Call for Papers among your peers.


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Concurso de Antecedentes para Optar a Posiciones de Postdoctorado


La Universidad de O’Higgins es una institución de educación superior estatal de reciente creación, que asume con vocación de excelencia, la investigación científica, la formación de personas con vista a su desarrollo integral, y la contribución preferente al desarrollo cultural, material y social de la Región del Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins.

Los investigadores que se seleccionarán en el marco de este concurso, serán contratados a jornada completa y serán destinados a desempeñarse como investigadores postdoctorales de los institutos por un plazo máximo de 2 años. Podrán dictar, cada año, un curso semestral supervisado por un académico de la Universidad de O’Higgins.

De entre los postulantes, la Universidad seleccionará (sin cuotas mínimas ni máximas por área) investigadores postdoctorales que destinará a sus Institutos de: Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias de la Educación, Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Ciencias Agronómicas y Veterinarias, y Ciencias de la Salud, utilizando como criterio fundamental el potencial de investigación del investigador postdoctoral y de colaboración con el (los) académico(s) tutor(es).

Los candidatos deberán estar en posesión de un grado de doctor, en el momento de ser contratados por la Universidad, obtenido en los últimos 5 años, y demostrar potencial de investigación de nivel internacional y de colaboración con académicos del Instituto al que se adscribe.

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Universitá Degli Studi Di Genova (IVR PREMIO ESCUELA JOVEN 2019)

Los jóvenes académicos que son miembros del IVR están cordialmente invitados a escribir un artículo en el concurso para el Premio 2019 IVR Young Scholar Prize. El trabajo ganador se presentará en el próximo congreso mundial del IVR en Lucerna (Suiza) y se publicará en el ARSP (Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie). La fecha límite para la presentación es el 20 de enero de 2019.

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